Level 3: The Moon Sculpture Left Behind

The Moon Sculpture Left Behind is in the third level of Chinese Breeze which contains approximately 750 words.The Moon Sculpture Left Behind It was published in March 2013.

Description of the book: Upon reading the letter from Beijing, and the accompanying map marked by two moons, Bai Chunshui couldn’t help but dance with joy. He quickly picked up the phone and dialed his grandfather: “Grandpa, grandpa! The Moon City has been found! Now we can go to China and find the sculpture, the treasure you’ve been missing for decades!”

Chunshui hastily purchased an air ticket. He flew first to Beijing, then from Beijing to a city in southern China. He rode a train for several hours, and then a bus for a full day before finally arriving at the Moon City. But, how could the Moon City look like this? This definitely wasn’t the place grandpa wanted to find…

Chinese description: 看着从北京寄来的信,还有那张画着两个月亮的地图,白春水高兴得连手和脚都动了起来,像要跳舞一样。他拿起电话,很快打起了爷爷家的号码:“爷爷!爷爷!中国的那个月亮城有消息了!您思念了几十年的宝贝,现在可以去找回来了……”
