Level 4: Two Red Shirts

Two Red Shirts is in the fourth level of Chinese Breeze which contains approximately 1100 words.

Description of the book: An office in Wanshan County received a letter from Beijing, the letter said to pay a sum of money to help a child in need to study. However, the letter made several strange conditions: the birthday of the child being helped must be May 4, 1990, must be a girl, must live in the surrounding area full of tea flowers, and, not to let her and her family know who helped them … Fang Xiaocao’s conditions and the requirements of the good people are just right, she can use the money to go to school, she also received a large package sent by the person. Twelve years later, Fang Xiaocao was admitted to a university in Beijing, and she had to go there to find the kind man. However, that person’s situation she does not know anything, besides, China has changed so much in the past 12 years …… she can find him? Why did the kind man make those strange requests? And, why did he send her that red shirt ……?

Chinese description of the book: 《两件红衬衫》万山县“手拉手”办公室接到一封北京来信,信上说要出一笔钱,帮助一个困难的孩子读书。但是,信里提出了几个奇怪的条件:被帮助的孩子生日必须是1990年5月4日,必须是女孩,必须住在周围开满茶花的地方,还有,不能让她和家人知道谁帮助了她们… 方小草的条件跟好心人的要求正合适,她可以用这笔钱上学,她还接到那人寄来的一个大包,里面除了笔、本子、书,还有一件好看的红衬衫。12年以后,方小草考上了北京的大学,她要到北京去找那位好心人。但是,那个人的情况她一点都不知道,再说,中国这12年变化这么大……她能找到他吗?那位好心人为什么要提出那些奇怪的要求?还有,他为什么要寄给她那件红衬衫……?