Level 4: Beauty and Grace

Beauty and Grace is in the fourth level of Chinese Breeze which contains approximately 1100 words.
All books of this collection include audio with the texts read in two different speeds: slow and normal. In level 4, you can obtain audios through a QR code.

There is a big emphasis in repetition of words which makes it easier to learn and remember in each book. Throughout the texts, there are also English translations of the most difficult words.
Beauty and Grace level 4 cover
Chapters of the book: 

1. 从买鱼开始的故事
A story that begins with a purchase of fish
2. 公司里新来的女大学生
A newly recruited college girl in the company
3. 这种茶只给最好的朋友喝
This tea is only for the best of friends
4. 去南昌找小时候的春雁
A trip to Nanchang in search of little Chunyan
5. 在沉鱼的老家
At Chenyu’s hometown
6. 山里的小学今天很热闹
The mountain elementary school is really lively today
7. 喜欢卖菜的外国学生
The international students who like to sell groceries
8. 不吃鱼了,吃水果
I gave up fish to eat fruit
Vocabulary list
Answer keys to the exercises